World leader of heavy duty smart solutions



The latest news about Hencon about Hencon, it’s products, the aluminium and mining market and how we achieve ”serving progress”.

2110, 2022

Hencon leads vehicle electrification in aluminum industry

21 okt 2022|

The world is in a sustainability transition. The realization that we will have to switch to alternative energy sources in the near future is also alive in the aluminum industry. But compared to the automotive industry, for example, the electrification of vehicles in our industrial niche market presents additional challenges. Read more...

1907, 2021

Introducing the EVY

19 jul 2021|

Check out our brand new machine! Last week we introduced our EVY, The Cleanest, the Leanest and the Meanest compact vacuum cleaner. Keeping the potroom clean is a highly important, harsh job. A special vehicle is required, performing dust free with a high output. The latest development in this area Read more...