Cavity Cleaner

Carefully designed to ensure optimum cavity cleaning before the installation of a new anode, with minimal impact on the existing pot. For a professional job.

Cavity cleaner

Cleaning a cavity is directly related to the line efficiency and power consumption.

Hencon helpes you to make an optimal clean cavity before the new anode is placed. This is done with a minimal effect on the current in the pot. An efficient cavity cleaner should be able to:
• Grap precisely and direct with minimal disturbance on the metal pack of the cell.
• Allow for a short residence time on the grap inside the metal pack.
• Preferably allow the operator to clean the metal pack in one go (no additional grapping)

All Hencon cavity cleaning equipment is designed with a focus on these essential functions.

Potroom solutions

High Discharge vehicle (HDF)

Whether you feed alumina, fine-grade bath or aluminium fluoride, the Hencon High Discharge Feeder is the worldwide standard for filling pot hoppers.

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Anode changing vehicles

Our anode changing machines are a common feature of primary aluminium production sites. They pull out used anodes, replacing or repositioning them like no other.

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AGV Ladle transport vehicle

The trend towards more automated, intelligent and interconnected systems is often referred to as Smart Industry or Industry 4.0. AGVs fit perfectly into this trend, in the first place because they operate fully autonomously.

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